Haunted Game

No one has ever liked to enter this eerie mansion. It is said that something strange happens here at night.
One night, four friends decide to enter this mansion on a dare. Walking in the dark, the light of their torch highlights old paintings on the walls. Suddenly, one of them notices an ancient and mysterious game called “Dark Truth”.
As soon as they read the rules of that game, they knew that playing it could be dangerous, but curiosity overpowered them. As soon as they started playing, strange sounds started coming from every corner of the mansion.
Footprints started appearing on the floor, as if some invisible force was behind them. Their heartbeat increased, and suddenly, the doors of the mansion closed loudly. Everyone started screaming, but their voices got lost in the haunted walls of the mansion.
After that night, no one ever saw those friends again. It is said that they are still trapped in the same game, for eternity.