The story of the devil

The story of the devil

A donkey was tied to a tree in a field. The devil came there and released the donkey from the tree. As soon as the donkey was released from the tree, it entered the nearby field and started eating the standing crops.

The farmer’s house was nearby. When the farmer’s wife saw this, she thought that this donkey will destroy the entire field. She got very angry and took out a gun from inside the house and shot the donkey. Hearing the sound of the gunshot, the owner of the donkey came running there. When he saw that the woman had killed the donkey, he lost his temper.

He also brought his gun and killed the farmer’s wife! When the farmer returned home and came to know that the owner of the donkey had killed his wife, he killed the owner of the donkey and his wife to take revenge. The owner of the donkey had a son. When he came to know that the farmer had killed his parents, he burnt the farmer’s house, fields and barn.

The farmer also died in the fire. The son of the donkey’s owner also could not survive for long without his family. He too left this world soon in sadness and depression. When everyone met the devil after dying, they all asked the same question to the devil, “What have you done?” The devil said very calmly, “I did not do anything, I just freed the donkey. It was you people who went to such an extent that you reached here today.

” Moral of the devil’s story: The devil cannot do anything bad to us till we do not lose our temper. Till we stay away from bad habits like anger, jealousy, attachment, illusion, greed, we will remain out of the control of the devil.

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