Witch tearing flesh in haunted forest

Witch tearing flesh in haunted forest

Junk dealerThis story is about a junk dealer who used to roam from village to village and collect junk items. His name was Mangal and he must have been around 26 to 28 years old. The incident must have taken place around 25 to 30 years ago. Mangal used to work as a junk dealer and his family consisted of him, his wife and his three children. His shop was just a bag, meaning it was not a shop. He only had a bicycle on which he used to carry junk items. He used to go from one village to another and buy old stuff and sell those things in the city, which would earn him some money.

That was a time when there was no electricity or paved roads. People used to come and go only through the unpaved roads made by humans. Mangal also used those roads to go from one place to another. Similarly, one day Mangal had gone out early in the morning to buy scrap material from another village. It was a good day for him and he found a lot of scrap material. So he thought that if he visited one or two more villages, he would find some more stuff. Thinking this, he went to another village. He found a lot of scrap material there too and it became evening by the time he did this. Now he started thinking that oh! I did not even realize the time today. It will definitely be late night when I reach home.

If I stay here today, everyone at home will worry about me. So I should leave as soon as possible. And thinking all this, he left for his home. He had come quite far from his village and it was going to take him about three to four hours to reach his village. Oh God! I am very late today because of work, the children must be waiting for me at home. I should reach home as soon as possible.

The way to his house was very long, but if he goes through the forest path, he will reach quickly. Thinking all this, he went towards the forest path. It must have been around 10 o’clock at night. He was seeing the lights of lanterns and fire at a distance from the forest, so he was getting some relief. But after going a little further, those lights also stopped coming to him.

Now Mangal was moving forward slowly, but he was getting a little tired due to his luggage, so he would rest a little and start walking again. Slowly, as he started walking, he started hearing strange sounds in the forest and he felt that there was someone else in the forest besides him who was making such sounds. He also started smelling a foul odour. So he thought that perhaps this odour would be of polluted water that would have accumulated here and this strange sound might be coming from these things.

Going a little further, he again felt that there was someone in the trees. Maybe it was a bird. But then he saw that whoever it was, was jumping from one tree to another and in the little moonlight, he saw that it was an old woman with long hair who was jumping here and there. Mangal got scared seeing this because it was not at all common for an old woman to jump from one tree to another like this.

Maybe it was a witch and thinking this Mangal started sweating. But Mangal controlled his fear and he thought that he should ride his bicycle fast and get out of here quickly so that he can save his life. Mangal started riding his bicycle fast and was just waiting for the time when he would reach home and get rid of this witch. Now Mangal could not see that witch and neither could he hear the sound of any tree shaking. Mangal thought that maybe it was all my illusion and I am very tired so I must have felt such an empty feeling.

Now I got some relief but I noticed one thing that the load on the back of my bicycle had become quite heavy. It was strange how could this happen? I mean maybe I am tired and that is why I am feeling like this. So I stopped for a while and thought of taking rest. I was taking rest when I heard the sound of someone breathing behind me. It seemed as if there was someone else there besides me. I started sweating again and I looked back. But there was no one there.

I am very tired. I should go to the toilet. I went to a nearby bush to use the toilet and when I finished, I was walking towards my bicycle when I saw that it was the same old white-haired witch who was jumping on the trees a while ago.

My tongue got stuck in my throat when I saw her. That witch was very scary and her face was very ugly and black. She had a long nose and was wearing a black shawl. She was laughing at me and was calling me to her by pointing her tongue towards me.

Seeing this, I understood that she was a flesh-tearing witch. Mangal saw a big axe in her hand and the witch started coming towards him, shaking that axe in her hands. Now I have to run as fast as I can, otherwise this witch will eat me alive. And thinking this, Mangal ran fast towards his village and the witch also started running fast behind him. That witch was looking very scary and monstrous while running behind him. But Mangal was also running, loudly chanting the name of Hanuman ji and had just reached the village, when the witch let out a loud scream and said ‘Wait, I am very hungry.

And then the witch vanished into thin air. Mangal kept running and went to the village temple and fainted. Next day when he regained consciousness, everyone asked him what happened Mangal? Why are you sleeping here in such a condition?

Look. Your wife and children were so worried the whole night. Now tell me what happened to you?

Then Mangal told them the whole story and they all said to him ‘Hey! Were you crazy that you passed through that jungle of flesh-snake? Well! You are lucky that you survived. Maybe! God saved you.

Then Mangal got up and thanked God and after meeting his wife, he went with some villagers to that place in the jungle where his bicycle used to load junk was.

They went there and saw that the pieces of his bicycle and junk were lying here and there. This was the work of that witch. Mangal was saved that day and then he made a vow that he would never come to this jungle again.

English Horror Stories

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